To protect your privacy while you use our site and let you know what types of information we are collecting and how we are using it, we have developed this Privacy Policy. As we update our services and technologies and as we expand or change our offerings, this Privacy Policy may change from time to time, so please check it periodically.
We are committed to ensuring your privacy. However, when you visit our web site, it will be necessary for us to request personal information about you should you, for example, choose to make a purchase from our e-store, participate in sweepstakes or other special promotions, and/or request a newsletter. The Bone only collects personal information when it is submitted by a user and submission of personal information is entirely voluntary.
The information we may ask you to input includes your name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, credit card information, and shipping information. We collect some or all of this information when you purchase items through our electronic commerce offerings, register for a sweepstakes and/or choose to participate in other interactive offerings on our web site. We use the personal information you provide to process purchases and entries for sweepstakes, to deliver products and prizes to you, and to communicate with you in connection with your use of other interactive areas of the web site. We may also send emails regarding promotions, new offerings or features. In addition, we may send emails in response to emails that we receive from users of the site.
When you use our site, we may assign cookie files to you, which are a small amount of data we send to your web browser. Cookies enable the computers operating our web site to differentiate between visitors and to track the patterns of activities engaged in by different visitors. By tracking such activities, the computers operating our web site can recognize a visitor and customize certain features for that visitor. We use these cookies to ensure that we do not receive multiple sweepstakes entries from the same individual. We may also use aggregated, non-identifiable data regarding persons who visit our site in order to learn more about the use of the site and how we can improve it.
You may be able to modify your browser preferences to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set, or to reject all cookies. If you choose not to accept cookies, you may not be able to use those functions of the web site that require registration, such as sweepstakes or electronic commerce.
We rely on third-party service providers and other businesses with whom we contract to help provide you the services we offer on this web site. Where you participate in a service that we operate with the help of third parties, we will need to share information you provide to us with those third parties. These companies have agreed not to disclose any of your personal information for any purpose unrelated to providing the services offered on our web site. We also may be partnering with other third parties on a given promotion or sweepstakes; those third parties may be given access to your personal information, and have agreed to treat such information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We may also share aggregated, non-identifiable data regarding persons who visit our site in order to promote our products and to expand and develop new relationships with others.
Keep in mind when you access web sites operated by other parties, whether through links on our web site or otherwise, that we do not control what happens on those web sites. You should always check the privacy policy of the web site you are visiting in order to be sure you know how the operator of that web site will collect data from you and what the operator of that web site will do with the data.
You may avoid the collection of personal information by declining to purchase any products from our e-store, and by not participating in sweepstakes or other interactive aspects of this site for which we require such information. Individuals who wish to purchase products without entering information on our web site may visit the company store at our brewery.
We provide users the opportunity to opt out of receiving promotional materials via emails. These opt-out features are located in the registration areas for purchases, newsletter sign-up, and sweepstakes.
While no transmission over the Internet can ever be 100% secure, we try to protect your data by using SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, an industry standard. However, we are not responsible for any unauthorized interception of such data. Please take care not to share your password with anyone else.
By using our web site, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as described herein. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we may disclose it.
We hope you will enjoy your use of our web site. If you should have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected]